Stewart International Airport Parking

Stewart International Airport provides two parking options: short-term and long-term parking lots at the airport, and different ways of payment.

Short-term parking lot

On the first day of parking at the airport, in the short-term parking lot, the first 15 minutes are free. After that, for 15-60 minutes of parking, travelers need to pay 3 dollars. Each additional hour also costs 3 dollars, and the maximum daily rate goes up to 30 dollars.

Long-term parking lot

In the long-term parking lot, the first 15 minutes are free, and after that, the first 12-hour period costs 5 dollars. Next 12 hours, travelers pay 10 dollars.

Payment methods

Both long and short-term parking lots accept credit and debit cards as a payment method. Allowed credit cards include Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. At lots, travelers can also pay by contactless processes such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay.
